Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tiny Dancer

Sophia completed her first year with The British Dancing Academy with a wonderful performance of Beauty and the Beast.  Sophia was a lamb in the show, and did a wonderful job in front of a full house at the Highline Performing Arts Center.  Very impressive for a little girl that wouldn't set foot on the red mat at Little Gym for months when she first started as a toddler.  My how far you've come, Sophia, and how proud we are of you!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Double Digits for Isabelle

My darling Isabelle has turned 10.  Double digits.  It's beyond difficult to comprehend.  She has not only grown into a wonderful young lady, but I count her as one of my best friends.  I know that's odd to say about a 10 year old, but it's true.  I spend more time talking with her than anyone else in my life, and she's truly hilarious.  Of all my kids, she's most like Todd, so maybe that's why we gel so well.  No stubborn head butting, like Sophia and I, and no silly 4 year old little boy, like Hudson.  Isabelle has her dad's laid back personality, and takes most everything with a grain of salt.  She's slow to anger, and rather quick to forgive.  Again, pretty much the polar opposite of myself.  She is lovely with her brother (always) and her sister (when she wants to be) and we couldn't be more proud to call her ours.

Happy Birthday, Belle!