Monday, February 27, 2012

Dance Fever

Each year, Isabelle's school has a Sock Hop in February. Isabelle always looks forward to it, as it's a pretty big deal (and she loves wearing her poodle skirt!) It's amazing how time flies and that next year will be their final year of the Sock Hop, and Sophia's first as a kindergartener. Next thing I know, I'll be standing in a dressing room at Nordstrom shopping for a Homecoming or Prom dress. Lord help me! Please.

I put a throw back picture at the end, just to make everyone feel a little older than they probably already do.

2012 Sock Hop

Isabelle and Sydney getting down

Amelia, Rae, Isabelle and Sydney

Having a good time on the dance floor

And just to show what a few years will's a dance floor pic taken in 2009. Amazing to see how much Isabelle, Rae and Sydney have changed.

Y-M-C-A, people. Y-M-C-A.

1 comment:

  1. OMG...flashback is right!! Were they ever that little. Look at those missing teeth :)
