Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

This is a slight bit belated but a huge Happy Mother's Day to all the fabulous moms that are sleep deprived, pulling out their hair, crying tears of joy (and sorrow), cheering, scolding, hugging, counting to 10 to find another dose of patience, washing uniforms in the middle of the night, packing team snacks, sitting at the family table doing homework, rocking a fussing baby in all hours of the night, watching another episode of (fill in the blank favorite movie or tv show), changing shirts (yet again) cause you were spit up on...all in the name of trying to raise the best kid(s) we can. As we all know, we will make mistakes; it's recognizing those mistakes and trying to do better the next time that's the best gift we can give our children. Take it one day at a time, but never underestimate the strength of your child and yourself.

For my mom and the three wonderful children that I am so blessed to have call me "Mom," I love you guys.

1 comment:

  1. Very sweet post!! Happy Mother's Day to one of the best Mom's I know!
