Case in point...we are currently on the hunt for a coffee table. Or rather, we *were* on the hunt for a coffee table. And not just any coffee table, but a circa 1960's Lane Acclaim series round coffee table. With our new sofa, we need a round table. 1960's Lane coffee tables are moderately easy to find if you like the long surfboard type, but round becomes tricky...and expensive. But I'm determined (read: stubborn), and I hate settling once I have my mind set on something.
Enter my discovery of the exact coffee table we've been looking for and at the cheapest price we've found (by at least half) on ebay. But where was it located? York, Pennsylvia and it was marked "local pick up only." Doh! That won't work, as last time I checked Washington (the state) is nowhere near Pennsylvania. Todd looked up shipping and came up with heart stopping figures like $350. I was down...but not out. I messaged the seller and asked what he could come up with for shipping the table to Seattle, if he was willing. Response came back...$65. You've heard of doing a happy dance? Well, I busted one out right in the middle of my office at work. In my attempts to be a good wife, I forwarded the email to Todd and asked what he thought (secretly knowing I was buying this table whether he thought it was a good idea or not). No response to my initial email, so I called in a panic on my way to pick up Huddy and Soph at school and practically screamed at him over the phone the great deal we were about to score. His response to purchasing the table..."do it!" That's my guy!
So currently our coffee table is in transport with Greyhound, on its way to its new home with my Lane end table I scored at Goodwill for $5, plus the 80+ year old sideboard we hauled out of this lady's basement for a ridiculously good price. It should arrive at about the same time in a couple of days as our rug, which we also got on a great sale. Could this backfire on us? Of course it could. But it could also turn out to be a tremendous win, and that's a chance we're willing to take.
We geek out over house remodel, so this has been a good week for us. Below is our new table in all its original, untouched beauty. For now it will stay as is, but eventually (when the kids decide to be less destructive) it will be refinished.
