I try to not get geeked up about too many things, but for Mother's Day I got a Kindle. To say the least, I was stoked. I have "casually" dropped hints ("Wow, it would REALLY be great if I had a Kindle." "Hey, you know what would be great to have right now? A Kindle." "Isabelle, tell your Dad to buy me a Kindle.")...see, casual...that a Kindle could, on occassion, be something good to have. Finally, the family came through. I'm also working on "casually" dropping the hint that I want an iPad 2, but I don't see that turning out the same. Oh well. Beggers can't be chosers.
At any rate, the Kindle is just as fantastic as I imagined it would be, and then some. I could honestly entertain myself for hours just from the sample downloads of stories, never mind actually getting the full thing. And my Kindle has the Wi-Fi 3G capabilities, so I can download a story anytime, anywhere, without having to plug in to my computer. A bookstore at my fingertips? Dangerous. Which leads me to my real point. (Hey, it only took two paragraphs to get here!)
I now view everything in Kindle purchases. (If I don't buy this coffee, I'm $4.35 closer to another book purchase. Sheesh.) If I just went stark raving crazy and purchased every book I came across that I wanted to read, we'd be poor in a week. I've got to find a way to just not click the "Buy" button at will. I haven't found anyting over $10, but I feel as though I'm fighting an uphill battle. You can only read one book at a time, I tell myself. LIES! The Kindle allows me to have something ridiculous like 3,000 books at the push of the button, any time I want them. I can change books ten times in an hour, and never have to leave the sofa. I'm telling you, this is brilliant.
And dangerous. And I probably need to set up an off-shore account for my Kindle purchases to hide them from Todd. Kindle = my new crack.

P.S. Thank you, family. I'm very happy with my new device.