Getting dressed and ready to go. Sophia decided to go with a princess dress for her outfit. Nice.

First she descended the outside steps like royalty, then she busted out with a huge twirl in the driveway. On top of beauty, we'll also add "very humble" to her list of finer qualities.

Did I also mention attitude? Here she is on the dance floor. Lord, help us.
A good time was definitely had by all. Hudson and Sophia had fun running around with the big kids and playing with balloons. This is the third Sock Hop we've attended since Isabelle started elementary school, and it's funny to watch the dynamics change from year to year. The first year she just shuffled around the outside of the dance floor with all the other kids in kindergarten. In first grade, she only hung out with her regular group of girls. This year, however, there was a mix of boys and girls dancing together, and this little boy Cody kept angling in to dance next to her. They also kept chasing each other around the gym, and generally being dumb second graders. I joked with her afterwards as to whether Cody was the new "Devin" (Devin, as most of you that hear about Isabelle regularly know, is the boy in her class for the past two years that cannot stay away from her for the life of him. Poor kid gets in trouble in class constantly (for two yeras now) for talking to her, follows her like a lost dog around the playground, he used to play with her hair, races her to our car at the end of the school day...the poor kid is beyond smitten.) Anyway, Isabelle clearly stated there was no new Devin, but that Cody was "just Cody." Way to keep your options open, Isabelle. Once again, Lord help us.
You are in for it Shannon ...