Whereas most of us look forward to Friday, and the end of a busy work week, my little ones look forward to one day...garbage day. Our garbage day is Wednesday, and it's the best day of the week in our house. Sophia loves the garbage man to the point she yells at the top of her lungs when she sees one while we're out and about "Garbage man!!!" Hudson has two Tonka Wheel Pals garbage trucks (one small and one large) and they happen to be the same green as our garbage trucks. Needless to say, the two of them ALWAYS play with the garbage trucks. We weren't so sure about this new obsession, but upon talking to other friends, it seems the love of the garbage man extends to all small children. Good to know, as we were starting to think Sophia already had a career in mind...
Perched on the sofa...anxiously watching the street for the first sighting of the garbage man.

Since we sit up on a bit of a hill, from our front window the kids can watch the garbage man collect from about six houses. Bonus!

They are so focused the entire time this is going on...neither moves at all, except to wiggle their butts back and forth with glee.

Bye, bye garbage man! See ya next week!
Today's activities:
More laundry
Get to UPS to send some returns back (not holding my breath on this one)
Isabelle's soccer practice
Tonight's menu:
I'm stumped!! Not good.
Okay, this cracked me up. Hudson, doing whatever big Sis says is cool ..