Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Best of 2009
I am not really much for making New Years resolutions, but I am a complete sucker for the “best of” or “top” lists for a given year. Music, books, movies, restaurants…you name it and I’m game. When my Entertainment Weekly showed up last week and I saw that it was the year end review, I promptly sat down on the curb and started flipping through and reading all the “best of 2009” lists. (Okay, that’s a minor fib. Primarily I was looking for pictures of Robert Pattinson. There, hope you’re happy now.) I couldn’t even wait to get in the house to read. Pathetic, yet I don’t care.
So on that note, I am proposing my own Best of 2009 list from this year. I’d like to say this has been a non-eventful year, but I’d be lying. And I’d like to say it’s been all packed full of joy and happiness but, again, a lie. However, I am learning at this point in life to find the silver lining, as my mom would always say, as there usually is one, but you might just have to dig a little deeper than usual to find it.
Best of 2009
5. My New Job. Not a huge change, as I just went from one company to another within our enterprise, but it was a major lifestyle change in regards to my stress level. It’s only been a few weeks, but I think Todd would agree that this probably added years to my life. I am forever in debt to the people that fought for me, and approached me with this chance and I would probably throw myself in front of a bus for you all at this point. No, really, I would.
4. Twilight. I know you are reading this and snickering, but I don’t care. And honestly, I could have put this higher on the list and only resisted because it came into my life so late in the year. This has been my total guilty pleasure of the later part of 2009 and the $40 I invested in four books…wait, and the $20 for the Blue Ray DVD…have provided me with hours (and hours) of entertainment. Prior to New Moon coming out (which I bought advanced tickets for and saw on opening night), I poured over the internet sites looking for new images, clips, whatever I could find. I scanned my TV stations and DVR’d everything that was Twilight related…and then proceeded to forward the list to Wohn so she could set it all to record as well. Wohn then forwarded it to her husband, Steve, so he could set everything on the DVR, at which time he responded with, “Done. Ridiculous. I have cancelled the IU game and Raw to accommodate this vampire movie.” This is what Twilight has done to so many of us (formerly) normal, sane women. I walked by the magazine display while shopping at Costco one day and nearly launched Sophia out of the cart when I put on the brakes after spotting Robert Pattinson on the cover of Vanity Fair. I exchanged giddy emails with friends discussing whether or not he and Kristen Stewart were dating (don’t get me started on their Harpers Bazaar photo shoot) (oh, and I fully believe they are together.). Really, I could go on. I think Wohn put it best on Christmas after she and I exchanged cell pictures of our gifts from Santa (I got a Team Edward water bottle…yes!) when she said…”We are 12.” Yes, and you know what, sometimes that’s okay. However…shame. Lots of shame.
3. Balloon Fiesta. We’ve been to the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta many times before, but never when so many planets have aligned to allow us to have the number of friends and family gather at once like we did this year. Not only did we get to see the joy on our kids’ faces at the hundreds of hot air balloons launching into the beautiful blue New Mexico sky, but we got to witness it with Todd’s parents, my mom and step-dad who drove in from North Carolina, two of my best friends, Crystal, who drove in from Dallas with her family, and Kristy, who braved a sick little Logan to join us, plus old friends from high school who I hadn’t seen in YEARS. On top of that, it was just about the time of Sophia’s 3rd birthday, so we got to throw her a party at the Bounce House in Albuquerque and have my kids, Kristy’s kids, and Crystal’s Cameran all there together to celebrate…plus two sets of grandparents! This NEVER happens for my kids. Separately we also got to spend a little time with old friends from college, though any time we spend with John and Colleen and their family is never enough. We miss you all and will always treasure that amazing week we had back home.
2. My Friends. I have had the divine pleasure of becoming better friends with so many folks this year, and it has blessed my life in a plethora of ways. I’ve become closer with friends we’ve had for years, closer with friends from Isabelle’s soccer team (who are like family now), developed our new makeshift family that we spend holidays with now in lieu of being alone…for hermits like us, this is impressive. I have had the pleasure of watching people grow in their relationships, expand their families, been at their sides through loss, and leaned on them in our hard times fully knowing they would help us stand. I love you all. Hey, and I put you above Twilight…pretty damn good!
1. Overcoming adversity. Todd and I have had challenging years during our time together, but nothing at all can rival this year. We’ve gone through hard economic times with Todd’s job, multiple serious illnesses/diagnosis in the family, surviving life with three kids with very little help, and generally trying to keep our sanity. We’ve had minor snafus along the way like dog attacks, the van getting hit by someone who ran from the scene, sick kids (Hey, H1N1, feel free to not come back again. Thanks.), Todd’s lingering soccer injury that has resulted in him walking around with a “boot” on his foot now…but really that’s all minor in the big pictures of life. Our family has faced some major adversity head-on this year, and we’re still standing. Above all, I’m not looking at 2009 as a year to frown down upon, but rather a year that our mettle was tested, and we came out gleaming like sterling silver. The Maynes will overcome!
Monday, December 7, 2009
It's Been Too Long...

Friday, July 10, 2009
Happy 4th of July (a week late)!!
Our 4th of July was absolutely fantastic! We started the day off by meeting up with friends at Lake Wilderness Park in Maple Valley. What a wonderful and gorgeous complex! We kicked the soccer ball around some, had a picnic lunch, and then headed over to the lake. The kids all had a BLAST and the lake was just magnificent. Oh, and the weather? About 83 degrees under clear blue skies - perfect!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Lion tamers
Our last game of the season was played against the Lion Queens. We played this team twice last year and probably lost by about 15 goals each game. It was a mess. We knew how good our team was now, and how much we had improved, and we were all prepared to take on the team that had pounded us last season. And not only had they pounded us, but the coach of the other team is a complete ass...always encouraging his team to "keep taking it to them, score on them again." Suck it, asshole.
To make a long story short...WE WON!!! Our girls took it to the Lion Queens and beat them 5-2. It was a hard fought battle, and all the girls were exhausted at the end. Isabelle got things off hot with a goal (her 10th of the season, which led the team) and they just never gave up from there. We were all so proud, and the girls were ecstatic. Go Monsters!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Bend it like Isabelle
Sunday, of course, was Isabelle's soccer game. Her team is doing outstanding this year, and Isabelle has been a true all-star, if I do say so myself. Her skills are tremendous and her coach (and Dad) is very happy. Not too bad for a girl that we thought wouldn't be playing soccer about a year ago. At any rate, we played under gorgeous weather this afternoon and the girls had an awesome game. We ended up winning 13-2, and Isabelle scored THREE goals! To top it all off, one of them was a left-foot shot, which had been one of her goals to accomplish this year. We were so proud of our girl! To this point in the season (6 games) she's had 8 goals. We still have two more to go, so hopefully the hot streak continues.

Monday, May 11, 2009
Mother's Day weekend
The next day Todd cooked omelets for everyone and then got all our bicycles prepped for a family bike ride while the little ones were napping. After they awoke, we headed off for a ride along the Cedar River. The weather was still good, though a little overcast, but not too hot or cold so we couldn't complain.

Friday, April 24, 2009
Hump day is *the* day
Since we sit up on a bit of a hill, from our front window the kids can watch the garbage man collect from about six houses. Bonus!
Today's activities:
More laundry
Get to UPS to send some returns back (not holding my breath on this one)
Isabelle's soccer practice
Tonight's menu:
I'm stumped!! Not good.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Two Little Monkeys
Sophia's new favorite game is to go into her brother's room while he's still sleeping, scale over the side of the crib, and wake the poor child up by jumping all around him. This occurs in the morning, after nap...it really doesn't matter. If she can sneak past me and get in there with him, she's all over it. Fortunately Hudson finds the whole thing just as fun and exciting as she does, so...well, I'll let the pictures tell the story.
Poor Hudson is still trying to wake up here...and Sophia is in full effect.
Sophia gets her full bounce on...travels the length of the crib in one bounce.
I couldn't capture it in a picture, but when Huddy gets real excited he starts head banging.
Yes, they've crashed into each other and bounced off the rails of the bed. And no, neither cares in the least when this happens. They simply both laugh, hop up, and start bouncing again. Siblings...gotta love them!Today's activities:
Laundry...did three loads, it wasn't nearly enough
Sorted through baby toys that we're keeping and getting rid of...sniff!
Isabelle's soccer practice
Tonight's menu:
Calzones (I used this recipe as my jumping off point...my final product depends on my mood and what I have available to put inside. And I use pizza dough, not white bread dough.)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Sophia's swim class
Tuesday night Sophia had her first swimming class ALL BY HERSELF! She's been in the parent-tot class for about a year, and her instructor finally said it was time to move her up, even though the PS1 class technically is not for kids under the age of 3. That being said, Sophia will go under water by herself, knows basic strokes, and had completely outgrown the toddler class. The biggest question with Sophia was whether or not she would get in the water without Todd or I, and if she would go to her teacher or scream the entire time. Check out the pictures and see for yourself...
The PS (preschool) classes stand on tables under the water, which Sophia just loves. She spent the entire class, when she wasn't with the teacher, jumping up and down on the table.
Swimming out to her teacher, Karmina. As you can see, the other kids in the class are significantly bigger than Sophia. The class is for 3-5 year olds.Here she was doing "reach and pull" with Karmina. She had such a great time!
Such a cute little thing sitting on the side of the pool waiting for her turn to jump in the water.
Her final jump in the water. We were SO proud of our little girl. She did an awesome job!! We have our second class tonight, so we'll see how it goes.
Happy Birthday Master Hudson!
My little boy (sniff) turned a year old on Monday (sniff sniff). It seems like just yesterday he was born, but then that's the case for me with all my kids, even Isabelle and she's turning 7 (gasp!) next month. We celebrated with a party on Saturday with friends and then gifts and more cake on Monday.
Hudson's cake was from Hoffman's Bakery and was delicious. Absolutely adorable with a dumptruck on the front and all vanilla and buttercream. Yummy!
Gifts gifts and more gifts. In the true nature of a little kid, the Huggies diaper box that Isabelle decorated for him with Star Wars stickers was his favorite thing. Shortly after this picture was taken we took it away from him in order to open presents and he promptly had a meltdown.
When you have two older sisters, you have lots of help opening presents. Fortunately Huddy could have cared less, as he prefers to do as little as possible most of the time. Yes, typical man in the making here.
Where we used to only have dolls, Barbies and all things pink...we now get our share of cars, trucks, and camo mixed in. It's awesome!
This was taken just after we all finished cake. Probably the most telling picture ever taken of the kids.
Thanks to everyone for sharing in Hudson's birthday with us...for the gifts, the well-wishes, coming to his party...you all made it a wonderful celebration!
Today's activities:
Isabelle's soccer practice
Planning Isabelle's summer camps
Sorting through the kids' closets...ugh, such a chore
Tonight's menu:
Angel Chicken Pasta http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Angel-Chicken-Pasta/Detail.aspx
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter with the Maynes
Isabelle and Sophia started coloring Easter eggs on Saturday. We only tipped over two bowls (pretty good for us) and only cracked three eggs in the coloring process. Again, very good for our family.
And the next morning the kids delighted in going outside and finding their full baskets. Once again, it was raining, so the poor baskets had to sit clinging to the side of the house until the kids were ready to go out and get them.
For brunch we all took a trip to the top of the Space Needle to enjoy the most spectacular view of Seattle. Though the weather was cloudy and rainy, of course, it was still a view of the city I'd never seen. Isabelle especially loved it and sat glued to the window the entire time.
After brunch we colored more eggs. This time we didn't spill any colored water, and only broke one egg. Crazy improvement!
The day was wrapped up by an Easter egg hunt INSIDE. Booo! The girls got to hunt on two floors, though, and fun was still had by all.
Today's activities:
Wow...where to even begin. We're all exhausted and Todd is looking forward to going back to work in order to rest.
Today's menu:
Cioppinno http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Cioppino/Detail.aspx
Rosemary Garlic Bread from Three Girls Bakery
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Summer in April

Sunday, March 15, 2009
What's for dinner?
With the challenge of dinner obviously arising at about the same time every day, I must also say that nothing delights me more than finding a new recipe and it blowing everyone's socks off with a meal. I could dig through AllRecipes.com for hours on end hunting for something spectacular. This site is my guilty pleasure. I make it a point to make at least one new dish a week, and we always balance our weekly meals with chicken, beef, fish and turkey or pork. (Turkey and pork are low on the list for all of us, so once a week of one is more than enough in my book). I also plan our entire month's menu out at the first of each month. A little OCD? Possibly. However, my family delights in being able to come into the kitchen, check out the big calendar on the fridge and see what's for me. What do I like about it? Never having to be asked "what's for dinner?" It always makes grocery shopping a little easier, which is also a blessing when you're hauling three kids through a grocery store by yourself.
For anyone who reads this blog, I would LOVE to hear what your family is having for dinner, and how you all battle the challenges of the family while still putting a well balanced and reasonably priced meal on the table every night. Recipes will be loved and coveted in my "Recipes" binder.
Today's activities:
Yard work
Science Fair Project
Laundry (10 loads...and still not done!)
Finishing up Sophia's potty training (once and for all)
Tonight's menu:
Baked Salmon (http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Baked-Salmon-II/Detail.aspx)
Rice Pilaf
Steamed Broccoli