I really can't come up with a well formed post right now
that is completely on topic and free flowing, so instead
we're going with random.
I can do random.
Quite well, in fact.
I've added yet another step in my
never ending battle against aging.
I've decided if the things I use
aren't working, I give up.
Cause I'm doing the best with
what I can afford.
And my face is bound for
wrinkle glory if it can overcome this assault.
I've seen the ROC products for a bit.
But couldn't justify the total need.
I see the need now.
Gonna be honest...it burns a little going on.
Is this normal?
I think not, but so far my face hasn't
actually had a reaction, so I'm deeming it OK.
First time I put it on and end
up looking like I just walked
out of having a major face peel, I'm quitting the stuff.
Until then..game on.
Cause this is a good moisturizer.
Skin feels (and smells!) fantastic.
Oh, and it has an SPF of 30.

When I shower in the morning, there's
usually an audience.
Sophia walks in, throws the curtain
half open to show me what atrocity she's
decided to wear for the day.
She leaves.
Hudson comes in to announce
he needs to use the bathroom.
(And I wonder why it takes me so long to shower.)
But the best would be the multiple sets
of eyes usually watching from the back of the shower....
And no, I did not set them up like this.