Our 4th of July weekend was spectacular. Event after event...good food, great friends, fabulous time...too much to even begin to recount, which is why I think this post was a challenge. I just couldn't wrap my head around all the goodness!
First off, our nephew Jake came to visit from Texas. Jake is 14 and this was his first time visiting Seattle. We hit a couple of tourist attractions, but mainly took him out to see the best part of our beautiful city; the scenery. With our gorgeous forests, miles of pristine hiking trails, rocky beaches full of sea life...the kid from Texas LOVED it!
Jake and the kids

While Jake was here we celebrated the 4th of July with friends or, as it came to be known, our rolling party on wheels. We had our blue cooler on wheels that we just rolled from party to party with food and beverages inside. It was oh so white trash fantastic! We also played a soccer game that day which Jake participated in with us, and set fireworks off that night. Always a good time launching fireworks, but Jake especially had a blast.
Todd helping Sophia light a sparkler

As I mentioned, we hit some tourist hot spots: Pike Place Market, the Locks, Gas Works park, Snoqualmie Falls, the salmon ladder, Discovery Park...but some of these are a bit off the beaten path. All in all, I think he got a flavor of our great city.
Flowers at the market

But really, I'd be lying if I didn't say I think his favorite part of the visit was going to the beaches. He and the kids loved turning over the rocks and watching the little crabs scatter. They collected sea shells, looked for sea stars, jellyfish, and anything else that turned up that day. This is a favorite activity for my kids, and Jake was no exception. All in all, I think a great holiday was had by all!
Hudson on the beach