This weekend was busy, as always, but topped with a very special event. For over a year now, Isabelle has asked, no begged, me to let her get her hair cut...short. I've resisted, as frankly it seemed like so much work. She plays a lot of sports, so the "go to" pony-tail is just something I wasn't willing to let go of so easily. So her hair has gotten longer and longer and longer. We trim it every six weeks, but it quickly grows out again.
Anyway, a week or so ago we had one of Isabelle's friends over who commented that she wanted to grow her hair out to donate to Locks of Love. I'm very familiar with the organization, but really hadn't put all the pieces together to think it could be an option for us. But the gears got turning in my head at that moment. "Isabelle," I said, "if your hair is long enough to donate to Locks of Love, I'll let you cut it." She was delighted, and to me it seemed like a win-win situation. I read the requirements on the Locks of Love website - you have to have a minimum of 10 inches of hair for donation - and we verified that Isabelle had that covered. Appointment was made for this weekend, and the pictures below will tell the story best (click on the pictures for a larger view).
Anyway, a week or so ago we had one of Isabelle's friends over who commented that she wanted to grow her hair out to donate to Locks of Love. I'm very familiar with the organization, but really hadn't put all the pieces together to think it could be an option for us. But the gears got turning in my head at that moment. "Isabelle," I said, "if your hair is long enough to donate to Locks of Love, I'll let you cut it." She was delighted, and to me it seemed like a win-win situation. I read the requirements on the Locks of Love website - you have to have a minimum of 10 inches of hair for donation - and we verified that Isabelle had that covered. Appointment was made for this weekend, and the pictures below will tell the story best (click on the pictures for a larger view).

In addition to the big cut, Isabelle's soccer team also played their first indoor game of the season. They won 2-1, which was huge as we're putting our almost all girls team (we were given one "token" boy to technically keep the team co-ed) against all boys teams or mostly all boys teams. The rules state each team must have at least one girl on the field at a time (five players on the field) but we're often sending all girls out. So, this was a big win and we hope the first of many. Sophia and Hudson are also attending soccer class right before Isabelle's games, so Saturday mornings are busy. We hope you all had a wonderful weekend like we did!
~ Shannon