Best of 2009
I am not really much for making New Years resolutions, but I am a complete sucker for the “best of” or “top” lists for a given year. Music, books, movies, restaurants…you name it and I’m game. When my Entertainment Weekly showed up last week and I saw that it was the year end review, I promptly sat down on the curb and started flipping through and reading all the “best of 2009” lists. (Okay, that’s a minor fib. Primarily I was looking for pictures of Robert Pattinson. There, hope you’re happy now.) I couldn’t even wait to get in the house to read. Pathetic, yet I don’t care.
So on that note, I am proposing my own Best of 2009 list from this year. I’d like to say this has been a non-eventful year, but I’d be lying. And I’d like to say it’s been all packed full of joy and happiness but, again, a lie. However, I am learning at this point in life to find the silver lining, as my mom would always say, as there usually is one, but you might just have to dig a little deeper than usual to find it.
Best of 2009
5. My New Job. Not a huge change, as I just went from one company to another within our enterprise, but it was a major lifestyle change in regards to my stress level. It’s only been a few weeks, but I think Todd would agree that this probably added years to my life. I am forever in debt to the people that fought for me, and approached me with this chance and I would probably throw myself in front of a bus for you all at this point. No, really, I would.
4. Twilight. I know you are reading this and snickering, but I don’t care. And honestly, I could have put this higher on the list and only resisted because it came into my life so late in the year. This has been my total guilty pleasure of the later part of 2009 and the $40 I invested in four books…wait, and the $20 for the Blue Ray DVD…have provided me with hours (and hours) of entertainment. Prior to New Moon coming out (which I bought advanced tickets for and saw on opening night), I poured over the internet sites looking for new images, clips, whatever I could find. I scanned my TV stations and DVR’d everything that was Twilight related…and then proceeded to forward the list to Wohn so she could set it all to record as well. Wohn then forwarded it to her husband, Steve, so he could set everything on the DVR, at which time he responded with, “Done. Ridiculous. I have cancelled the IU game and Raw to accommodate this vampire movie.” This is what Twilight has done to so many of us (formerly) normal, sane women. I walked by the magazine display while shopping at Costco one day and nearly launched Sophia out of the cart when I put on the brakes after spotting Robert Pattinson on the cover of Vanity Fair. I exchanged giddy emails with friends discussing whether or not he and Kristen Stewart were dating (don’t get me started on their Harpers Bazaar photo shoot) (oh, and I fully believe they are together.). Really, I could go on. I think Wohn put it best on Christmas after she and I exchanged cell pictures of our gifts from Santa (I got a Team Edward water bottle…yes!) when she said…”We are 12.” Yes, and you know what, sometimes that’s okay. However…shame. Lots of shame.
3. Balloon Fiesta. We’ve been to the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta many times before, but never when so many planets have aligned to allow us to have the number of friends and family gather at once like we did this year. Not only did we get to see the joy on our kids’ faces at the hundreds of hot air balloons launching into the beautiful blue New Mexico sky, but we got to witness it with Todd’s parents, my mom and step-dad who drove in from North Carolina, two of my best friends, Crystal, who drove in from Dallas with her family, and Kristy, who braved a sick little Logan to join us, plus old friends from high school who I hadn’t seen in YEARS. On top of that, it was just about the time of Sophia’s 3rd birthday, so we got to throw her a party at the Bounce House in Albuquerque and have my kids, Kristy’s kids, and Crystal’s Cameran all there together to celebrate…plus two sets of grandparents! This NEVER happens for my kids. Separately we also got to spend a little time with old friends from college, though any time we spend with John and Colleen and their family is never enough. We miss you all and will always treasure that amazing week we had back home.
2. My Friends. I have had the divine pleasure of becoming better friends with so many folks this year, and it has blessed my life in a plethora of ways. I’ve become closer with friends we’ve had for years, closer with friends from Isabelle’s soccer team (who are like family now), developed our new makeshift family that we spend holidays with now in lieu of being alone…for hermits like us, this is impressive. I have had the pleasure of watching people grow in their relationships, expand their families, been at their sides through loss, and leaned on them in our hard times fully knowing they would help us stand. I love you all. Hey, and I put you above Twilight…pretty damn good!
1. Overcoming adversity. Todd and I have had challenging years during our time together, but nothing at all can rival this year. We’ve gone through hard economic times with Todd’s job, multiple serious illnesses/diagnosis in the family, surviving life with three kids with very little help, and generally trying to keep our sanity. We’ve had minor snafus along the way like dog attacks, the van getting hit by someone who ran from the scene, sick kids (Hey, H1N1, feel free to not come back again. Thanks.), Todd’s lingering soccer injury that has resulted in him walking around with a “boot” on his foot now…but really that’s all minor in the big pictures of life. Our family has faced some major adversity head-on this year, and we’re still standing. Above all, I’m not looking at 2009 as a year to frown down upon, but rather a year that our mettle was tested, and we came out gleaming like sterling silver. The Maynes will overcome!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
It's Been Too Long...

There is no excuse for how much time has passed since I last updated. No excuse. Not that I have three kids. Or all the activities they've had going. Or work. Can't even try to blame all the people we've had spend time visiting over the past six months. And I could talk about trips we've taken and time that's been lost there, but I probably shouldn't. No, I should just suck it up and accept full responsibility. But that's not fun. So please see the previous mentioned items and pick the one you like best. ( I always like playing the "I have three kids" card, but feel free to do your own thing.)
Now we are suddenly in December. And I say suddenly because I honestly do not know where the time went, yet here we are knocking on the door to wrap up 2009. Wow. We've had a very interesting year in the Mayne household. I fully intend to write up a best and worst of 2009 at a later date, but for now let's just talk Christmas.
Each year Christmas gets harder. Isabelle is convinced she either needs a laptop or a cell phone (what?!? you're 7!) and Sophia just wants everything Isabelle ask for (great...sticks for everyone!). Poor Hudson doesn't have a clue and is still just as happy with the wrapping paper and boxes as he is with an actual gift. But I dutifully start my lists for the kids at least two months ahead of time so that I can assure all gift ideas have been thoroughly planned and well thought out. We'll see.
Our biggest challenge this year has been finding a Zhu Zhu pet, which was at the top of Isabelle's list (of course!). A couple of months ago i stumbled upon one lone white hamster (Zhu Zhu pets are fake hamsters, for those of you not in the know), and I was ecstatic. Sure the thought crossed my mind that this poor hamster wouldn't survive Christmas day, after my three kids tore it apart after fighting over who got to hold it next, but at least I could come through for a short time. Then last week I happened to hit the Target jackpot right as a new shipment was being unloaded. Talk about being in the right place at the right now. Now Isabelle will get to unwrap three Zhu Zhu pets (we're giving one to Sophia for everyone's sanity), a crazy pink/blue house, and a garage with a car for the hamsters. Cause you know, what self respecting fake hamster can't exist without a car. Really, now.
As with any other activity in our house, Christmas will be a zoo, but tons of fun will be had by all. (I hope!)
Our deepest blessings to everyone for a safe and happy holiday season!
~ The Maynes
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